Aided by the Roman *#tlzqm2 fires of 80 and io4, they erased the traces of Nero's megalo- mania. The low ground that
mens nike air max shoes grey Nero had made into an artificial lake to improve the vista from his palace became the site of the Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater) for free public entertainment. On top of what had been the domestic wing of the Golden House, Trajan built grand public baths, where all could enter without charge. Under Domitian, Nero's porticoes around the Forum became an elegant shopping center. Only seventy years after its construction, all that remained of Nero's prodigious Golden House was the lonely izo-foot gilded statue of Nero. Legend reported that, after Nero, each emperor put the image of his head in place of Nero's. Unfortunately, the powerful early popes did not follow this example, but simply destroyed the statue.The secular emphasis of the Roman architecture was signaled in the very names they gave to their grandest works. The Greeks knew their monumen- tal buildings by the names of the
air max shoes 95 sale cheap gods whom they honored-the Parthenon(after Parthenos, the virgin goddess, Athena), or the Temple of OlympianZeus. But Romans knew their architectural monuments by the names of the emperors who had them built-Nero's Domus Aurea, the Flavian Amphi- theater (the Colosseum), Hadrian's Pantheon, the Baths of Caracalla. Roman architects never attained the celebrity of architects in later ages and received little credit for their most famous Roman buildings. The principalarchitect of Nero's Golden House was probably Severus, but we know little Romans had forgotten where the Golden House had stood when, fifteenth century, they dug under Trajan's Baths and came upon roorr had been part of Nero's domestic wing. They could not explain underground rooms painted in the Pompeiian style, and assumed tha were originally decorated grottoes. Later, Raphael, who had an i] interest in ancient Roman remains, had himselflowered down on ro study the "grottoes." Raphael imitated the style of the "grotto" wa which fantastic
air max shoes 95 online store forms of people and animals were intermingled with ers, garlands, and arabesques into a symmetrical design, when he p, the Vatican loggias. This was called grottesche-in the style of the grc"Grotesk,"
mens black nike air max William Aglionby's English treatise on painting explair i686, "jS properly the Painting that is found under Ground in the I; of Rome." After Raphael (1483-1520), the word became popular fc torted, exaggerated, or humorous forms in painting or sculpture. A today Nero's bizarre ambitions survive secretly in our everyday laW
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